Today task is very excited..
Because Miss Zu want us to create a poem...
WHAT??!!!I'm totally blank for a while...Yeaa I'm not A.Samad Said,who is the famous Malaysian poet and novelist...
But,I give a try..
The theme of the poem is 'I think I can'
I know I am just nobody,
I know I am just ordinary,
I know I am not Prime Minister,
I know I am not genius,
I am just regular student,
I am trying to know the world,
UiTM Segamat,
the places that i learned about life..
Through this places,
what is cannot become can,
what is impossible become possible,
what is difficult become easy,
from nobody become somebody..
From now on,
I think I can be extraordinary,
I think I can be Prime Minister,
I think I can be genius,
from this moment,
I think I can do everything in this world..
So,that my poem..I know I'm bad poet,not as good as A. Samad Said..
But,at least I try to create right..:)
If you want too know more about A. Samad Said,please click to this link :
A. Samad Said |
Tonight,Miss Zu did't not teach us...But Group 1 will be our lecturer tonight..They presents about nouns and article..The group members were Salina,Poni,Rahey,and Hefa..
Examples type of nouns:
a) Proper noun : names of particular person or thing..
b) Common nouns : names of all things with same kind..
c) Abstract nouns : things that we can only think of and feel..
e.g bravery,trust,relaxation,etc..
d) Collective nouns : names of number of person or things consider as one..
e.g army,colony,set,etc..
Examples type of article:
a) 'a' and 'an' : used to refer to any member of a group..
Zetty want a barbie doll for her birthday
b) 'the' : used to refer a specific or particular member of a group..
The sun is the biggest star in the universe
After the presentation,they conduct a game..It call
Snake and Ladder game..We were divided by two groups..The instruction is
each group must send a different group's member to throw the giant dice..Then he or she will
pick a random question about nouns and article..If he or she
answer correctly,the movement is according to the number from dice that he or she get..But,if
fail,no movement..If he or she
discussed with group member,backward one moves from the number that obtain..
It really fun,excited,hilarious,challenging game.!!.
Give a credit to Group 1..
Round of applause to them for their hardworking...Good job all of you..:)